Swiss National Foundation
Blue Green Biodiversity initiative, WSL-Eawag

Impact of extreme climatic events on tree growth
Swiss Forest Lab- WSL
Vitasse et al. (2019). Contrasting resistance and resilience to extreme drought and late spring frost in five major European tree species. Global Change Biology (pdf here)
Kaewthongrach et al. (2020) mpacts of a strong El Niño event on leaf phenology and carbon dioxide exchange in a secondary dry dipterocarp forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (pdf here)

Occurrence of late spring frosts in Switzerland
Office Fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV) 2017
Vitasse et al. (2018). Increase in the risk of exposure of forest and fruit trees to spring frosts at higher elevations in Switzerland over the last four decades. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (pdf here)
Vitasse & Rebetez. (2018). Unprecedented risk of spring frost damage in Switzerland and Germany in 2017. Climatic Change

Is silver fir a suitable species in Switzerland to face climate warming
Office Fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV) 2017
Vitasse et al. (2019). What is the potential for silver fir under warmer and drier climate? European Journal of Forest Research
Vitasse et al. (2018). Quel avenir pour le sapin blanc en Suisse sous les effets des changements climatiques? Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen

'Hearing' alpine plants growing...
Swiss National Foundation project 2015—2016
Vitasse et al. (2017). ‘Hearing’alpine plants growing after snowmelt: ultrasonic snow sensors provide long-term series of alpine plant phenology. International Journal of Biometerology (pdf here)

Snow Trends over the last decades
Swiss National Foundation project 2015—2016
Klein et al. (2016). Shorter snow cover duration since 1970 in the Swiss Alps due to earlier snowmelt more than to later snow onset. Climatic Change (pdf here)

Cold Air Pools in the 'Swiss Siberia'
Office Fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV) 2015
Vitasse et al. (2017). Intensity, frequency and spatial configuration of winter temperature inversions in the closed La Brevine valley, Switzerland. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (pdf here)

Freezing resistance of temperate trees in relation to Phenology
ERC TREELIM (PI: C. Körner) 2010–2014
Lenz et al. (2016). Convergence of leaf-out timing towards minimum risk of freezing damage in temperate trees. Functional ecology (pdf here)
Vitasse et al. (2014). The interaction between freezing tolerance and phenology in temperate deciduous trees. Frontiers in Plant Science (pdf here)
Lenz et al. (2016). Fast acclimation of freezing resistance suggests no influence of winter minimum temperature on the range limit of European beech. Tree Physiology (pdf here)
Lenz et al. (2013). European deciduous trees exhibit similar safety margins against damage by spring freeze events along elevational gradients. New Phytologist (pdf here)

Towards a functional explanation of the upper elevation limit of trees
ERC TREELIM (PI: C. Körner) 2010–2014
Körner et al. (2016). Where, why and how? Explaining the low temperature range limits of temperate tree species. Journal of Ecology (pdf here)
Randin et al. (2013). Do the elevational limits of deciduous tree species match their thermal latitudinal limits? Global Ecology and Biogeography (pdf here)

Demography and tree growth towards the upper elevational limit
ERC TREELIM (PI: C. Körner) 2010–2014
Lenz et al. (2015). Growth and carbon relations of temperate deciduous tree species at their upper elevation range limit. Functional Ecology (pdf here)
Vitasse et al. (2012). Tree recruitment of European tree species at their current upper elevational limits in the Swiss Alps. Journal of Biogeography (pdf here)
Kollas et al. (2012). Unrestricted quality of seeds in European broad-leaved tree species growing at the cold boundary of their distribution. Annals of Botany (pdf here)

Phenological patterns in situ
Vitasse et al. (2018). Global warming leads to more uniform spring phenology across elevations PNAS (pdf here)
Fu et al. (2015). Declining global warming effects on the phenology of spring leaf unfolding. Nature (pdf here)
Fu et al. (2015). Increased heat requirement for leaf flushing in temperate woody species over 1980–2012: effects of chilling, precipitation and insolation. Global Change Biology (pdf here)
Vitasse et al. (2011). Assessing the effects of climate change on the phenology of European temperate trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (pdf here)
Vitasse et al. (2009). Responses of canopy duration to temperature changes in four temperate tree species: relative contributions of spring and autumn leaf phenology. Oecologia (pdf here)
Vitasse et al. (2009). Leaf phenology sensitivity to temperature in European trees: Do within-species populations exhibit similar responses? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (pdf here)

Genetic versus Environmental effects on tree phenology
Vitasse et al. (2013). Elevational adaptation and plasticity in seedling phenology of temperate deciduous tree species. Oecologia (pdf here)
Vitasse et al. (2010). Quantifying phenological plasticity to temperature in two temperate tree species. Functional Ecology (pdf here)
Vitasse et al. (2009). Altitudinal differentiation in growth and phenology among populations of temperate-zone tree species growing in a common garden. Canadian Journal of Forest Research (pdf here)

Ontogenetic & Carry-over effects on leaf-out timing & cold hardiness
Vitasse (2014). Earlier leaf‐out rather than difference in freezing resistance puts juvenile trees at greater risk of damage than adult trees. Journal of Ecology (pdf here)
Vitasse (2014). Variation in leaf flushing date influences autumnal senescence and next year’s flushing date in two temperate tree species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (pdf here)
Vitasse (2013). Ontogenic changes rather than difference in temperature cause understory trees to leaf out earlier. New Phytologist (pdf here)