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International peer-reviewed journals (Google Scholar publication list click here)



82. Walde M.G., Wu Z., Fox T., Baumgarten F., Fu Y., Wang S., Vitasse Y. Higher spring phenological sensitivity to forcing temperatures of Asian compared to European tree species under low and high pre-chilling conditions. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5


81. Shen M., Wang S., Jiang N., Sun J., Cao R., Ling X., Fang B., Zhang L., Zhang L., Xu X., Lv W., Li B., Sun Q., Meng F., Jiang Y., Dorji T, Fu Y., Iler A., Vitasse Y., Steltzer H., Ji Z., Zhao W., Piao S., Fu B. Plant phenology changes and drivers on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 3, 633-651


80. Klesse S., Wohlgemuth T., Meusburger K., Vitasse Y., von Arx G., Lévesque M., Neycken A., Braun S., Dubach V., Gessler A., Ginzler C., Gossner MM., Hagedorn F., Queloz V., Samblás Vives E., Rigling A., Frei ER. Long-term soil water limitation and previous tree vigor drive local variability of drought-induced crown dieback in Fagus sylvatica. Science of the Total Environment 851, 157926


79. Frei ER., Gossner MM., Vitasse Y., Queloz V., Dubach V., Gessler A., Ginzler C., Hagedorn F., Meusburger K., Moor M., Samblás Vives E., Rigling A., Uitentuis I., von Arx G., Wohlgemuth T. European beech dieback after premature leaf senescence during the 2018 drought in northern Switzerland. Plant Biology 24, 1132-1145


78. Geng X., Fu YH., Piao S., Hao F., De Boeck HJ., Zhang X., Chen S., Guo Y., Prevéy JS., Vitasse Y.,Peñuelas J., Janssens IA., Stenseth NC. Higher temperature sensitivity of flowering than leaf‐out alters the time between phenophases across temperate tree species. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31, 901-911


77. Grossiord C., Bachofen C., Gisler J., Mas E., Vitasse Y., Didion‐Gency M. Warming may extend tree growing seasons and compensate for reduced carbon uptake during dry periods. Journal of Ecology 110, 1575-1589


76. Sauvage JC. Vitasse Y., Meier M., Delzon S., Bigler C. Temperature rather than individual growing period length determines radial growth of sessile oak in the Pyrenees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 317, 108885


75. Vitasse Y., Baumgarten F., Zohner CM., Rutishauser T., Pietragalla B., Gehrig R., Dai J., Wang H., Aono Y., Sparks TH. The great acceleration of plant phenological shifts. Nature Climate Change 12, 300-302


74. Wu Z., Lin CF., Wang S., Gong Y., Zhao YP., Tang J., De Boeck HJ., Vitasse Y., Fu YH. The sensitivity of ginkgo leaf unfolding to the temperature and photoperiod decreases with increasing elevation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 315, 108840


73. Ren S., Vitasse Y., Chen X., Peichl M., An S. Assessing the relative importance of sunshine, temperature, precipitation, and spring phenology in regulating leaf senescence timing of herbaceous species in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 313, 108770


72. Etzold S., Sterck F., Bose AK., Braun S., Buchmann N., Eugster W., Gessler A., Kahmen A., Peters RL., Vitasse Y., Walthert L., Ziemińska K., Zweifel R. Number of growth days and not length of the growth period determines radial stem growth of temperate trees. Ecology Letters 25, 427-439


71. Wu Z., Chen S., De Boeck HJ., Stenseth NC., Tang J., Vitasse Y., Wang S.,  Zohner CM., Fu YH. Atmospheric brightening counteracts warming-induced delays in autumn phenology of temperate trees in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30, 2477-2487.

70. Vitasse Y., Baumgarten F., Zohner CM., Kaewthongrach R., Fu YH., Walde M., Moser B. Impact of microclimatic conditions and resource availability on spring and autumn phenology of temperate tree seedlings. New Phytologist 2, 537-550.

69. Vitasse Y., Ursenbacher S., Klein G., Bohnenstengel T., Chittaro Y., Delestrade A., Monnerat C., Rebetez M., Rixen C., Strebel N., Schmidt BR., Wipf S., Wohlgemuth T., Yoccoz NG., Lenoir J.Phenological and elevational shifts of plants, animals and fungi under climate change in the European Alps. Biological Reviews 96, 1816-1835.

68.. Bigler C., Vitasse Y. Premature leaf discoloration of European deciduous trees is caused by drought and heat in late spring and cold spells in early fall. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 307, 108492.

67. Meier M., Vitasse Y., Bugmann H., Bigler C. Phenological shifts induced by climate change amplify drought for broad-leaved trees at low elevations in Switzerland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 307, 108485.

66. Muffler L., Schmeddes J., Weigel R., Barbeta A., Beil I., Bolte A., Buhk C., Holm S., Klein G., Klisz M., Löf M., Peñuelas J., Schneider L., Vitasse Y., Kreyling J. High plasticity in germination and establishment success in the dominant forest tree Fagus sylvatica across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30, 1583-1596

65. Baumgarten F., Zohner CM., Gessler A., Vitasse Y. Chilled to be forced: the best dose to wake up buds from winter dormancy. New Phytologist 4, 1366-1377

64. Martínez-Sancho E., Rellstab C., Guillaume F., Bigler C., Fonti P., Wohlgemuth T., Vitasse Y. Post-glacial re-colonization and natural selection have shaped growth responses of silver fir across Europe. Science of The Total Environment 779, 146393

63. Fang O., Zhang QB., Vitasse Y., Zweifel R., Cherubini P. The frequency and severity of past droughts shape the drought sensitivity of juniper trees on the Tibetan plateau. Forest Ecology and Management 486, 118968


62. Frei ER., Schnell L., Vitasse Y., Wohlgemuth T., Moser B. Assessing the effectiveness of in-situ active warming combined with open top chambers to study plant responses to climate change. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:1709.

61. Scherrer D., Vitasse Y., Guisan A., Wohlgemuth T., Lischke Competition and demography rather than dispersal limitation slow down upward shifts of trees’ upper elevation limits in the Alps. Journal of Ecology

60. Geng X., Fu YH., Hao F., Zhou X., Yin G., Vitasse Y., Piao S., Niu K., De Boeck HJ. Menzel A., Peñuelas J. Climate warming increases spring phenological differences among temperate trees. Global Change Biology 26:5979-5987.

59. Zohner CM. Mo L., Renner SS., Svenning JC., Vitasse Y., […], Crowther TW. Rising air humidity during spring does not trigger leaf‐out timing in temperate woody plants. Late-spring frost risk between 1959 and 2017 decreased in North America but increased in Europe and Asia. PNAS 117:12192-12200

58. Wenden B., Mariadassou M., Chmielewski F., Vitasse Y. Shifts in the temperature‐sensitive periods for spring phenology in European. Global Change Biology 26:1808-1819

57. Schuldt B., Buras A., Arend M., Vitasse Y., Beierkuhnlein C., Damm A., […], Kahmen A., A first assessment of the impact of the extreme 2018 summer drought on Central European forests. Basic and Applied Ecology

56. Kaewthongrach R., Chidthaisong A., Charuchittipan D., Vitasse Y., Sanwan M., Varnakovidae P., Diloksumpunf S., Panuthaig S., Pakoktomh T., Suepai T., LeClerc MY.,  Impact of a strong El Niño event on leaf phenology and carbon dioxide exchange in a secondary dry dipterocarp forest. Agricultural and Forest Meterology 287 107945 pdf

55. Zohner CM., Strauss AFT., Baumgarten F., Vitasse Y., Renner SS. Rising air humidity during spring does not trigger leaf-out in temperate woody plants. New Phytologist 225 (1), 16-20 pdf

54. Wenden B., Mariadassou M., Chmielewski FM., Vitasse Y. Shifts in the temperature‐sensitive periods for spring phenology in European beech and pedunculate oak clones across latitudes and over recent decadesGlobal Change Biology 26 (3), 1808-1819 pdf


53. Fu Y., Geng X., Hao F., Vitasse Y., Zohner C., Zhang X., Zhou X., Yin G., Peñuelas J., Piao S., Janssens IA. Shortened temperature‐relevant period of spring leaf‐out in temperate‐zone trees. Global Change Biology 25 (12), 4282-4290 pdf

52. Kaewthongrach R., Vitasse Y.,  Lamjiak T., Chidthaisong A. Impact of severe drought during the strong 2015/2016 El Nino on the phenology and survival of secondary dry Dipterocarp species in Western Thailand. Forest 10 (11), 967 pdf

51. Vitasse Y., Bottero A., Cailleret M., Bigler C., Fonti P., Gessler A., Lévesque M., Rohner B., Weber P., Rigling A., Wohlgemuth T. Contrasting resistance and resilience to extreme drought and late spring frost in five major European tree species. Global Change Biology 25 (11), 3781-3792 pdf

50. Vitasse Y., Botterro A., Rebetez M., Conedera M., Augustin S., Brang P., Tinner W. What is the potential for silver fir to thrive under warmer and drier climate? European Journal of Forest Research 138 (4), 547-560 pdf

49. Fu Y., Zhang X., Piao S., Hao F., Geng X., Vitasse Y., Zohner C., Peñuelas J., Janssens IA. Daylength helps temperate deciduous trees to leaf‐out at the optimal time. Global Change Biology 25 (7), 2410-2418 pdf

48. Bigler C.,Vitasse Y. Daily maximum temperatures induce lagged effects on leaf unfolding in temperate woody species across large elevational gradients.  Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 398 pdf

47. Ettinger AK., Chuine I., Cook BI., Dukes JS., Ellison AM., Johnston MR., Panetta AM., Rollinson CR., Vitasse Y., Wolkovich EM. How do climate change experiments alter plot‐scale climate? Ecology Letters  22 (4), 748-763 pdf

46. Fu Y., Piao S., Zhou X., Geng X., Hao F., Vitasse Y., Janssens IA. Short photoperiod reduces the temperature sensitivity of leaf‐out in saplings of Fagus sylvatica but not in Horse chestnut. Global Change Biology 25 (5), 1696-1703 pdf


45. Klein G., Rebetez M., Rixen C., Vitasse Y. Unchanged risk of frost exposure for subalpine and alpine plants after snowmelt in Switzerland despite climate warming. International Journal of Biometerology 62 (9), 1755-1762 pdf

44. Vitasse Y., Rebetez M. Unprecedented risk of spring frost damage in Switzerland and Germany in 2017. Climatic Change 149 (2), 233-246 pdf

43. Vitasse Y., Rebetez M., Augustin S., Brang P. Quel avenir pour le sapin blanc en Suisse sous les effets des changements climatiques?  Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 169 (3), 131-142.

42. Asse D., Randin C., Chuine  I., Vitasse Y., Delpierre N., Yoccos SG., Badeau V., Delestrade A. Warmer winters reduce the advance of tree spring phenology induced by warmer springs in the Alps.  Agricultural Forest and Meteorology 252, 220-230 pdf

41. Sangines de Carcer P., Vitasse Y., Peñuelas J., Jassey V., Buttler A., Signarbieux C. Vapor-pressure deficit and extreme climatic variables limit tree growth.  Global Change Biology 24 (3), 1108-1122 pdf

40. Vitasse Y., Signarbieux C., Fu Y. Global warming leads to more uniform spring phenology across elevations. PNAS. 115:1004-1008 pdf

39. Vitasse Y., Schneider L., Rixen C., Christen D., Rebetez M. Increase in the risk of exposure of forest and fruit trees to spring frosts at higher elevations in Switzerland over the last four decades. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology  248:60-69. pdf


38. Signarbieux C.,  Toledano E., Sangines de Carcer P., Fu YH., Schlaepfer R., Buttler A., Vitasse Y. Asymmetric effects of cooler and warmer winters on beech phenology last beyond spring. Global Change Biology. 23:4569-4580. pdf

37. Vitasse Y., Klein G., Kirchner J., Rebetez M. Intensity, frequency and spatial configuration of winter temperature inversions in the closed La Brevine valley, Switzerland. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 130:1073-1083. pdf

36. Vitra A., Lenz A., Vitasse Y. Frost hardening and dehardening potential in temperate trees from winter to budburst.New Phytologist. 216:113-123. pdf

35. Vitasse Y., Rebetez M., Filippa G., Cremonese E., Klein G., Rixen C. ‘Hearing’alpine plants growing after snowmelt: ultra-sonic snow sensors provide long-term series of alpine plant phenology. International Journal of Biometeorology. 61:349-361. pdf


34.  Fu Y., Zhao H., Piao S., Peaucelle M., Peng S., Zhou G., Ciais P., Huang M., Menzel A., Peñuelas J., Song Y., Vitasse Y., Zeng Z., Janssens I.A. Long-term linear trends mask phenological shifts. International Journal of Biometeorology. 60:1611-1613. pdf

33. Klein G., Vitasse Y., Rixen C., Marty C., Rebetez M. Shorter snow cover duration since 1970 in the Swiss Alps due to earlier snowmelt more than to later snow onset. Climatic Change 39:637-649. pdf

32. Klein T., Vitasse Y., Hoch G. Coordination between growth, phenology, and carbon storage in three coexisting deciduous tree species in a temperate forest. Tree Physiology 36:847-855. pdf

31. Körner C., Basler D., Hoch G., Kollas C., Lenz A., Randin1 C.F., Vitasse Y., Zimmermann N. Where, why and how? Explaining the low temperature range limits of temperate tree species. Journal of Ecology 104:1076-1088. pdf


30. Lenz A., Hoch G., Körner C., Vitasse Y. Convergence of leaf-out timing towards minimum risk of freezing damage in temperate trees. Functional ecology 30:1480-1490. pdf


29.  Lenz A., Hoch G., Vitasse Y. Fast acclimation of freezing resistance suggests no influence of winter minimum temperature on the range limit of European beech. Tree Physiology 36:490-501. pdf


28.  Delpierre N., Vitasse Y., Chuine I., Guillemot J., Bazot S., Rutishauser T., Rathbeger C. Temperate and boreal forest tree phenology: from organ-scale processes to terrestrial ecosystem models. Annals of Forest Science 1:5-25. pdf




27.  Fu Y., Zhao H., Piao S., Peaucelle M., Peng S., Zhou G., Ciais P., Huang M., Menzel A., Peñuelas J., Song Y., Vitasse Y., Zeng Z., Janssens I.A. Declining global warming effects on the phenology of spring leaf unfolding. Nature 526: 104-107. pdf


26.  Fu Y., Piao S., Vitasse Y., Zhao H., De Boeck H.J., Liu Q., Yang H., Weber U., Hänninen H., Janssens I.A. Increased heat requirement for leaf flushing in temperate woody species over 1980-2012: effects of chilling, precipitation and insolation. Global Change Biology 7:3743-3755. pdf




25. Vitasse Y., Lenz A., Körner C. The interaction between freezing tolerance and phenology in temperate deciduous trees. Frontiers in Plant Science 5: 541. pdf


24. Lenz A., Vitasse Y., Hoch G., Körner C. Growth and carbon relations of temperate deciduous tree species at their upper elevation range limit. Journal of Ecology 102:1537-1548. pdf


23. Fu Y., Piao S., Zhao H., Jeong S-J., Wang X., Vitasse Y., Ciais P., Janssens I.A. Unexpected role of winter precipitation in determining heat requirement for spring vegetation green-up at northern-middle and high latitudes. Global Change Biology 20:3743-3755. pdf


22. Fu Y., Campioli M., Vitasse Y., De Boeck H.J., Van den Berge J., Hamada A.E., Asard H., Piao S., Deckmyn G., Janssens I.A. Variation in leaf flushing date influences autumnal senescence and next year's flushing date in two temperate tree species. PNAS 111:7355-7360. pdf


21. Vitasse Y., Lenz A., Hoch G., Körner C. Earlier leaf-out rather than difference in freezing resistance puts juvenile trees at higher risk of freeze damage than adult trees. Journal of Ecology 102:981-988.pdf


20. Dantec C.F., Vitasse Y., Bonhomme M., Louvet J-M., Kremer A., Delzon S. Chilling and heat requirements for leaf unfolding in European beech and sessile oak populations at the southern limit of their distribution range. International Journal of Biometeorology 58:1853-1864. pdf


19. Vitasse Y. & Basler D. Is the use of cuttings a good proxy to explore phenological responses of temperate forests in warming and photoperiod experiments? Tree Physiology 34:174-183. pdf


18. Vitasse Y., Lenz A., Kollas C., Randin C.F., Hoch G., Körner C. Genetic vs. non‐genetic responses of leaf morphology and growth to elevation in temperate tree species. Functional Ecology 28:243-252. pdf


17. Kollas, C., Randin, C.F., Vitasse, Y. & Körner, C. How accurately can minimum temperatures at the cold limits of tree species be extrapolated from weather station data? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 184:257-266. pdf




16. Lenz, A., Hoch, G., Vitasse, Y. & Körner, C. European deciduous trees exhibit similar safety margins against damage by spring freeze events along elevational gradients. New Phytologist 200:1166-1175. pdf


15. Randin C.F., Paulsen J., Vitasse Y., Kollas C., Wolgemuth T., Zimmermann N.E. Körner, C. Do elevational limits of deciduous tree species match with their thermal latitudinal limits? Global Ecology and Biogeography 22:913-923. pdf


14. Vitasse Y. Ontogenic changes rather than difference in temperature cause understory trees to leaf out earlier. New Phytologist 198:49-155. pdf


13. Vitasse Y., Hoch G., Randin C.F., Lenz A., Kollas C., Scheepens J.F., Körner C. Elevational adaptation and plasticity in seedlings phenology of temperate deciduous tree species. Oecologia 171:663-678. pdf


12. Vitasse Y. & Basler D. What role for photoperiod in the bud burst phenology of European beech. European Journal of Forest Research 132:1-8. pdf




11. Vitasse Y., Hoch G., Randin C.F., Lenz A., Kollas C., Körner C. Tree recruitment of European tree species at their current upper elevational limits in the Swiss Alps. Journal of Biogeography 39:1439-1449. pdf


10. Kollas, C., Vitasse, Y., Randin, C.F., Hoch, G. & Korner, C. Unrestricted quality of seeds in European broad-leaved tree species growing at the cold boundary of their distribution. Annals of Botany 109:473-480. pdf




9. Bresson C.C., Vitasse Y., Kremer A., Delzon S. To what extent is altitudinal variation of functional traits driven by genetic adaptation in European oak and beech? Tree Physiology 31:1164-1174. pdf


8. Vitasse Y., Delpierre N., François C., Dufrêne E., Chuine I., Kremer A. and Delzon S. Assessing the effects of climate change on the phenology of European temperate trees. Agricultural Forest and Meteorology 151:969-980. pdf


7. Guyon D., Guillot M., Vitasse Y., Delzon S. and Wigneron J.P. Altitudinal variations of mountain forest phenology from SPOT/VEGETATION time series. Remote Sensing of Environment 115:615-627. pdf




6. Vitasse Y., Bresson C.C., Kremer A., Michalet R. and Delzon S. Quantifying phenological plasticity to temperature in two temperate tree species. Functional Ecology 24:1211-1218. pdf


5. Desprez-Loustau M-L., Vitasse Y., Delzon S., Capdevielle X., Marçais B. and Kremer A. Are plant pathogen populations adapted for encounter with their host? A case study of phenological synchrony between oak and an obligate fungal parasite along an altitudinal gradient. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 87-97. pdf




4. Vitasse Y., Porté A.J., Kremer A., Michalet R. and Delzon S. Responses of canopy duration to temperature changes in four temperate tree species: relative contribution of spring and autumn leaf phenology. Oecologia 161:187-198. pdf


3. Vitasse Y., Bresson C.C., Kremer A., Michalet R. and Delzon S. Altitudinal differentiation in growth and phenology among populations of temperate-zone tree species growing in a common garden. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39:1259-1269. pdf


2. Vitasse Y., Delzon S., Dufrêne E., Pontailler J-Y., Louvet J-M., Kremer A. and Michalet R. Leaf phenology sensitivity to temperature in European trees: Do within-species populations exhibit similar responses? Agricultural Forest and Meteorology 149:735-744. pdf



1. Forey E., Chapelet B., Vitasse Y., Tilquin M., Touzard B. and Michalet R. The relative importance of disturbance and stress at local and regional scales in French coastal sand dunes. Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 493-502. pdf

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